
Thank you for participating in EPA Victoria’s survey into the use of noise policies and guidelines. This survey is a key part of EPA’s review of the following noise policy instruments:

• The State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Industry, Commerce and Trade) No. N-1 (SEPP N-1);
• The State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Music Noise from Public Premises) No. N-2 (SEPP N-2); and
• EPA Publication 1411 – Noise from Industry in Regional Victoria (NIRV).

This survey is about industrial and commercial noise regulated under SEPP N-1 and NIRV. If you are a business or venue featuring music noise, a separate survey on SEPP N-2 can be completed here.

For more information on SEPP N-1 and SEPP N-2 click here, for more information on the NIRV click here.

Your feedback will help determine what changes may be required to ensure the regulations and guidelines address relevant noise issues and do so at a minimum cost to regulators, businesses and the community.

This survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. It is possible to begin the survey and complete it at a later time.

Please note: This survey contains questions about staff-hours and dollar value costs associated with complying with noise policies and guidelines.

Survey responses will be de-identified prior to referral to the EPA, unless you consent to:

• your contact details being provided to the EPA with your survey, please indicate consent on page 1. This may lead to follow up contact.
• your contact details being referred to the EPA separate from your survey response, please indicate consent on page 1.

If you have any questions regarding the survey or require any assistance, please contact:

Stephanie Fargher, consultant to the EPA on surveyresponse@kjassoc.com.au.

This survey is being conducted independently of the EPA by KJA, with support from Resonate Acoustics and Jaguar Consulting.
1% of survey complete.