Industrial Hemp Final Research Report for Hemp Growers and Processors – 2020 Question Title * 1. Individual or Business name as it appeared on your 2020 registration and/or license: Question Title * 2. In 2020, I was: Registered as a grower Licensed as a processor-handler only Registered as a grower AND licensed as a processor-handler Question Title * 3. Grower registration number (if applicable) Question Title * 4. Processor-handler license number (if applicable)(If you were licensed as a processor-handler only in 2020, please proceed to question #14 ) Question Title * 5. If you were registered as a grower in 2020, did you grow any hemp? Yes No Question Title * 6. If you grew hemp in 2020, please tell us about your growing operations: County(ies) where I grew hemp. Variety(ies) of hemp planted. Reason (intended use) for growing this variety of hemp i.e., for fiber, grain, CBD or other cannabinoid extraction, etc. Total field acres, or if you grew hemp to full maturity indoors, total square footage, of hemp planted: Total field acres, or if you grew hemp to full maturity indoors, total square footage, of hemp harvested: What was your average pounds/acre of hemp harvested? Question Title * 7. Did you have to destroy any of your hemp in 2020? Yes No Question Title * 8. If you answered YES to question #7, please select the primary reason for the destruction: Non- compliant THC concentration Crop failure due to reasons such as poor seed quality, inclement weather, pests, pollination, etc Lack of labor Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. If you answered question #8, please list the amount (acreage or square footage) of hemp destroyed: Question Title * 10. Did you have a market for your hemp? Yes No Question Title * 11. If you answered NO to question #10, how much hemp remains in your possession for marketing? Question Title * 12. Do you intend to grow hemp in the future? Yes No Question Title * 13. If you answered no to question #12, please tell us why you have decided not to grown hemp in the future: Question Title * 14. For the following question, “process” means to convert raw industrial hemp into a final marketable form and does not include drying or storing hemp.Please select the one option below that most appropriately represents the primary reason that you obtained a processor-handler license in 2020. (Select only one) I grew hemp and obtained the license to be able sell my harvest to a processor. I grew hemp and processed my own hemp. I grew hemp and obtained this license to be able to sell smokable hemp. I grew hemp, had it processed by another processor, and received a split amount of processed product back with the intent to sell it. I grew hemp, processed my harvest and ALSO offered commercial hemp processing services for other growers. I did not grow hemp, but offered commercial hemp processing services to growers. I am primarily a hemp broker. I did not grow or process hemp but marketed it to retailers, distributors, and/or final customers. Question Title * 15. If you processed hemp for other growers, what county was your processing facility located in? Question Title * 16. If you processed hemp for other growers, please identify the processing services offered. (Check all that apply) Hemp fiber processing Hemp grain processing CBD extraction and/or other cannabinoid processing Viable hemp seed processing Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. Do you plan on offering hemp processing services in 2021? Yes No Question Title * 18. Did you sell viable hemp seeds or plants to growers in 2020? Yes No Question Title * 19. Do you intend to sell viable hemp seeds or plants in the future? Yes No Done