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* 1. Individual or Business name as it appeared on your 2020 registration and/or license:

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* 2. In 2020, I was: 

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* 3. Grower registration number (if applicable)

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* 4. Processor-handler license number (if applicable)
(If you were licensed as a processor-handler only in 2020, please proceed to question #14 )

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* 5. If you were registered as a grower in 2020, did you grow any hemp?

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* 6. If you grew hemp in 2020, please tell us about your growing operations:

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* 7. Did you have to destroy any of your hemp in 2020?

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* 8. If you answered YES to question #7, please select the primary reason for the destruction:

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* 9. If you answered question #8, please list the amount (acreage or square footage) of hemp destroyed:

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* 10. Did you have a market for your hemp?

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* 11. If you answered NO to question #10, how much hemp remains in your possession for marketing?

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* 12. Do you intend to grow hemp in the future?

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* 13. If you answered no to question #12, please tell us why you have decided not to grown hemp in the future:

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* 14. For the following question, “process” means to convert raw industrial hemp into a final marketable form and does not include drying or storing hemp.
Please select the one option below that most appropriately represents the primary reason that you obtained a processor-handler license in 2020. (Select only one)

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* 15. If you processed hemp for other growers, what county was your processing facility located in?

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* 16. If you processed hemp for other growers, please identify the processing services offered. (Check all that apply)

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* 17. Do you plan on offering hemp processing services in 2021?

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* 18. Did you sell viable hemp seeds or plants to growers in 2020?

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* 19. Do you intend to sell viable hemp seeds or plants in the future?