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* 1. Community where you live:

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* 2. Has your community experienced a disaster?

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* 3. If Yes, please indicate which type of disaster(s):

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* 4. Please indicate the level of threat you feel the following hazards pose in your community:

  No Threat Minimal Threat May or May Not Be a Threat Moderate Threat Serious Threat
Dam/Levee Failure
Severe Storm
Volcanic Eruption
Hazardous Materials

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* 5. Is there ongoing public awareness/education in your community to help individuals and/or businesses to inform citizens about hazards and the ways to protect themselves and their property? (e.g., outreach projects, school education, library materials, etc.)

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* 6. In your community, which of the following activities have taken place to reduce risk?

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* 7. Which of the following preparedness activities have you done in your household?

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* 8. Natural hazards can have a significant impact on a community, but planning for these events can help lessen the impacts. The following statements will help determine citizen priorities for planning. Please tell us how important each one is to you:

  Not Important Not Very Important Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
Protecting private property
Protecting critical facilities (transportation networks, hospitals, fire stations, etc.)
Preventing development in hazard areas
Enhancing the function of natural features (streams, wetlands, etc.)
Protecting historical and cultural landmarks
Promoting cooperation among public agencies, citizens, non-profit organizations, and businesses
Protecting and reducing damage to utilities
Strengthening emergency services (police, fire, ambulance)

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* 9. In your opinion, what could the State of Idaho do to help your community reduce or eliminate risk of future hazard damages in your community?

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* 10. Additional Comments: