ICONIC AMERICA Education Survey

This survey is for those that have used lesson plans and modules from the PBS series ICONIC AMERICA. Could you give us a few moments to tell us about your experience? We would really appreciate it as it will help us as we create new educational modules in the future.

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* 1. How did you find or hear about ICONIC AMERICA educational assets?

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* 2. Do you plan to utilize the ICONIC AMERICA resources on PBS LearningMedia in your classroom?

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* 3. If no, please tell us a little more about why you do not plan to  use ICONIC AMERICA lessons or activities in your classroom:

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* 4. If yes or maybe, what part/s of the lesson plans do you plan on using? Select all that apply.

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* 5. Is there anything missing from the lessons plans that you'd like to see?

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* 6. Before today, have you ever used any educator resources from PBSLearningMedia.org to support your teaching?

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* 7. Please provide any additional information, thoughts, comments, or feedback you'd like to share about ICONIC AMERICA educational resources available from PBS. We would love to hear more from you!