Indigenous Youth and their Communities

Indigenous Youth Voices is a national network that has been developed to maximize advocacy of Indigenous youth priorities on the terms and standards that Indigenous youth set for ourselves. Our focus is not on drawing attention to any one particular youth issue, but on connecting existing visions and amplifying the perspectives and priorities that they represent. 

In order to establish this national network and advocacy body for Indigenous youth, we must consult with our peers to ensure that their ideas are at the forefront. The responses to this survey will help inform this process and create authentic solutions for supporting youth initiatives in the future. 

We encourage you to answer as many questions as you feel comfortable with. The more elaborate your answers, the better they will guide our process moving forward.  

** Please note that although responses can be anonymous, we will be using the demographic information, as well as details about nation and community, as we write our findings report for the Ministry of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. 

If you wish to stay connected or get involved with Indigenous Youth Voices, please include your contact information at the end of the survey. 

We acknowledge that there are multiple languages spoken across our Indigenous communities, however, due to an urgent timeline we are currently only able to offer our communications in English. Please feel free to submit your survey responses in whichever language you prefer.

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* 1. Indigenous Nation

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* 2. Current community that you are living in

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* 3. Age

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* 4. Gender

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* 5. Current occupation (Eg. Student, Employment, Other)

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* 6. Preferred language(s)

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* 7. Do you speak your Indigenous language?

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* 8. If you answered 'Yes' or 'Trying to learn,' what has supported your learning of this language? If you answered no, what could improve your learning of this language?

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* 9. Completed level of education

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* 10. Was your experience in school positive?

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* 11. Have you ever been in foster care? 

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* 12. What strengths do you see in your community? What are you proud of?

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* 13. What challenges are faced by your community? What causes the most harm?

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* 14. Do you have any possible solutions to address these challenges and harm? If so, please describe.

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* 15. Does your community have a youth council/organization/group that provides youth activities? If yes, please share who.

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* 16. How do youth in your community gather/get heard/organize activities? Check all that apply

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* 17. What youth activities would you like to have access to in your community? Check all that apply

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* 18. What makes you feel safe in your community? Check all that apply

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* 19. The Canadian Government has committed to "reconciliation" with Indigenous peoples as a key priority. This means that they are attempting to improve the relationship between Indigenous peoples, the Government and Canadians.

Is reconciliation important to you? Why or why not? Please describe.

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* 20. How do you think that you and/or other Indigenous youth could be better supported and empowered?

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* 21. Do you think it is important for youth to have access to programs related to reconciliation? If so what kinds of programs?

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* 22. In your own words, what does reconciliation mean and look like to you?

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* 23. Is there anything else you would like to share?