We want to hear about your thoughts and experiences with IUDs in Aotearoa New Zealand

This survey has been designed by Women's Health Action and will be open until Sunday 11th August 2024.

We are wanting to hear about your thoughts and experiences with intrauterine devices (IUDs) in Aotearoa New Zealand. This includes if you've never used an IUD but have considered it, have previously used one, or are currently using one.Our objectives are:
  • To hear and learn from whānau experiences
  • To gather recommendations for improving access to timely, quality and safe care.
  • To inform the work of Women’s Health Action
PLEASE NOTE: This survey includes questions about health and wellbeing and could be triggering for some people. Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor. If you require medical advice, call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116 anytime or get help from a medical centre or emergency services.

We will summarise the information collected from this survey in a report to the New Zealand Health Authority / Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health/ Manatū Hauora. Your data will remain anonymous and confidential.

If you would like to go in the draw to win 1 of 3 $50 Prezzy Cards, please enter your email address or mobile number at the end of the survey. Your survey responses will still be anonymised when you enter the prize draw.

Thank you for your time.

Ngā mihi,
The Women's Health Action team

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your situation?

5% of survey complete.