Thank you for agreeing to speak at the ISUOG World Congress 2024. To accept your invitation please complete the following form and declaration. If you are unable to join us for the Congress and would like to decline the invitation, please email us at

All faculty are required to complete the ISUOG faculty declaration form ahead of the event. If you do not understand anything in this form, please let us know so that we can discuss this before you respond.

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* 1. Please enter your first name (as you would like it to appear in the Congress program)

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* 2. Please enter your surname (as you would like it to appear in the Congress program)

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* 3. Please enter your mobile number (we will use this to contact you if required during the event).

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* 4. Please provide a short biography (maximum 150 words and in the 3rd person) detailing your affiliations, clinical experience and speciality. Your biography will be added to the Congress program, app and used by session chairs to introduce you during the live event.

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* 5. We use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to share information about events with our members. If you are present on any of these platforms and are likely to share any of our posts, please let us know your account handle or leave a link to your profile below. This is completely optional and is not part of the faculty declaration requirements.