Sociologist. Academic survey researcher, heavy duty quant. Cambridge BA, Berkeley PhD. 5 books; 120+ papers in ASR, AJS, Nature Biotechnology, BJS, APSR etc. Cited in the academic literature 7000+ times.
Previously Senior Fellow and Director of the International Survey Project, Institute of Advanced Studies, The Australian National University and Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, the University of Melbourne. Now Adjunct Professor of Sociology, University of Nevada, Reno.
Some recent publications:
>> "Identifying the Best Times for Cognitive Functioning:" Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
>> "The New Income Inequality and Well-Being Paradigm" Social Science Research
>> "Strong Welfare States ...Public Opinion in 30 Countries" , Societies
>> "Prejudice, Exclusion and Economic Disadvantage: A Theory." Sociological Theory
>> "Communism, Capitalism, and Images of Class" Cross-cultural Research
>> "Societal Income Inequality and Individual Subjective Well-Being" Social Science Research
>> "Education Legitimates Income Inequality: Normative Beliefs." Polish Sociological Review
>> “Family Background and Education: China." Comparative Sociology
>> "Human Gains and Losses from Global Warming" Social Indicators Research
>> "Scholarly Culture and Occupational Success in 31 Societies." Comparative Sociology
>> "Scholarly culture ... and adult technology skills", Social Science Research