Green Building Alliance Inspire Speakers Series Participant Survey GBA wants to hear your feedback and stories! After four years of the Inspire Speakers Series, GBA would like to gather feedback from attendees like yourself in order to assess the impact of this program. Impact goes beyond just number of attendees at each event, and can include new partnerships, projects, initiatives, ideas, behavior change, or even a mindset shift. We also want to hear ways in which we can improve the Series in the future. Please take some time to complete the survey below. We will be giving away three $100 gift cards to a local business of each winner’s choosing, an individual GBA membership (for one year!), and several complimentary registrations at upcoming Inspire Speakers Series events as a thank you for your time and effort. Please include your contact information in the survey if you want to be entered into the drawing. Thanks in advance for your time and feedback! Question Title * 1. Which Inspire Speakers Series events have you attended? Please select all that apply. Naomi Davis and Diana Bucco, November 2016 Paul Hawken and Dr. Joylette Portlock, May 2016 Joe Van Belleghem and Stephen Shelton, April 2016 Joel Glanzberg, Valerie Goodwin, and Majestic Lane, March 2016 Storytelling with 10 Local Speakers, February 2016 Jeremy Rifkin and Bill Generett, December 2015 Toni Griffin and John Fetterman, November 2015 Arlene Blum, September 2015 Charles Montgomery and Chris Koch, May 2015 Michael Slaby and Debra Lam, April 2015 Will Allen, Stephen Ritz, and Jennifer Flanagan, March 2015 Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, Lisa Schroeder, and Dr. Molly Mehling, November 2014 Dr. Antwi Akom and Grant Erwin, October 2014 Col. Mark Mykleby and Mayor Bill Peduto, May 2014 Dr. John Francis and Local Speakers (Patty DeMarco, Michelle King and ECS Students, and Mike Schiller), April 2014 Bob Berkebile and Amy Piccirilli, March 2014 David Sobel and Jane Werner, January 2014 Jim Hartzfeld and Bill Strickland, December 2013 Natalie Jeremijenko and Bobby Vagt, November 2013 David Orr, Fred Brown, and Brian Wolovich, May 2013 Majora Carter and 5 Local Presenters, April 2013 Stephen Ritz, Alice Julier, Julie Pezzino, and Kelsey Weisgerber, March 2013 Steve Ashkin, Vivian Loftness, and Erica Cochran, February 2013 Stacy Smedley, Mark Buehrer, Chris Helstern, and Richard Piacentini, January 2013 David Orr and Molly Steinwald, December 2012 Bill Reed, November 2012 George Bandy and Christine Mondor, October 2012 Question Title * 2. The purpose of GBA’s Inspire Speakers Series is to inspire citizens, communities, and organizations to envision great possibilities for our region. Do you think the series has accomplished this? Yes No Sort of Please elaborate. Question Title * 3. What sorts of specific activities or undertakings by you, your colleagues or friends, organizations, or communities resulted from an Inspire Speakers Series speaker, lecture, or shoulder event? Please select all that apply. Was exposed to a new idea Helped me or someone else come up with an idea that seeded something new Impacted existing work Triggered a community-scale conversation Enticed a job change Created a new initiative Created a new project Formed a new partnership Other I don't know of any Inspire Speakers Series-related results Comments/Please provide additional information Question Title * 4. Would you be willing to share more about this story in a quick phone call or email exchange with a GBA staff member -- or could you suggest someone we could talk to about this impact? Yes No Maybe Contact Information (Name, Organization, Phone, Email Address) and Comments Next