1. About you

17% of survey complete.
Dear ISN Member,

This online form will enable you to nominate individuals for the position of ISN Councilor. If you wish to propose nominations for more than one candidate, please use a different form for each.

Please allow approximately 10 minutes to complete the form as you will be required to answer specific questions regarding the leadership skills and specific achievements of your nominee(s).

If you have questions or issues to submit a candidate, please email Marie-Pierre Smal at mpsmal@theisn.org.

Thank you!

Joanne Bargman
Chair of the Nominating Committee

Question Title

* 1. Your name:

Question Title

* 2. Your ISN Membership number:

Question Title

* 3. Your nomination can be either as an individual or on behalf of a Society. Please specify below.

Question Title

* 4. If you answer on behalf of a Society, please specify below: