Teen Programs Interest Form

Thank you for your interest! Currently, we are not accepting applications for our Teen Programs. To be added to our mailing list for updates on programs and events, please fill out the information below.
Thank you!
Questions? Please reach out by email to shseducation@ishs.idaho.gov.
1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
3.Student Email Address(Required.)
4.High School(Required.)
6.Languages spoken other than English (Fluently)
7.Why do you want to volunteer at the Idaho State Museum?(Required.)
8.How did you hear about the program?(Required.)
9.Parent Name(Required.)
10.Parent Email Address(Required.)
11.Demographic Information. The following questions help us better understand our audience. They are all optional and will not affect any programmatic decisions.

12.I identify my ethnicity as (select all that apply)
13.Do you qualify for scholarship aid or the free or reduced lunch program at school?