With this survey of 25 questions (some optional), ISEV's new Translation, Regulation, and Advocacy Committee would like to get your feedback on the degree to which EVs have been translated, awareness of EV potential, and the uses of EVs in different industry sectors. We would also like to know your expectations and suggestions for the new Committee. Information provided here may be made freely available to assist with reinforcing and promoting EV research and applications.

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* 1. Please enter the following information. By providing an email address, you consent to being contacted for follow-up if needed.

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* 2. Are you an ISEV member?

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* 3. If you are currently employed in academia, what is your position? (Please also complete this question if you are employed by both academia and industry.)

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* 4. If you completed Question 3, above, what academic institution do you work for? (Institution, City, Country)

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* 5. If you are currently employed in industry, what is your position? (Please also complete this question if you are employed by both academia and industry.)

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* 6. If you completed Question 5, above, what company do you work for? (Company, City, Country)

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* 7. If you are involved in a "spin-off" company (not listed above), please provide the following details. (A spin-off is usually a start-up company associated with findings from a specific academic lab.)

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* 8. If you do not work in academia or industry, please describe your current role: position title, organization, city, country.

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* 9. Are you part of an advisory board, or do you otherwise advise, any company?

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* 10. In what area(s) of EV research are you actively working? (Please tick a maximum of four.)

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* 11. Which area(s) of EV research are you INTERESTED in but do not WORK on currently? (Please tick a maximum of four.)

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* 12. Do you have a patent, patents, or patent applications related to EVs? If so, please indicate designation, title, and details (this information might be placed in a database or on the ISEV website).

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* 13. Are you involved in any clinical trial(s) related to EVs? If so, please indicate designation, title, and details (this information might be placed in a database or on the ISEV website).

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* 14. What companies are you aware of that claim to use EVs (including exosomes or similar) as products? If so, please provide name(s) and website(s).

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* 15. What companies are you aware of that sell EVs (including exosomes or similar) for use in research? If so, please provide name(s) and website(s).

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* 16. Have you bought EVs or EV-containing products? If so, please give the product(s) as well the source company name(s) and website(s).

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* 17. Are you aware of companies or agencies that specialize in navigating and managing regulatory processes (e.g., in diagnostics, therapeutics, cosmetics, environmental applications)? If so, please provide name(s), website(s), and any details.

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* 18. What major sources of PUBLIC funding for EV product development are you aware of?

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* 19. What major sources of PRIVATE funding for EV product development are you aware of?

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* 20. What are the major obstacles that you see for EV translation (please provide a list).

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* 21. What types of products would you like or expect from ISEV's new Translation, Regulation, and Advocacy Committee? (Tick a maximum of 5.)

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* 22. ISEV discussions of EV applications are usually focused on human or veterinary clinical applications. In your view, should ISEV also discuss any of the following applications? First, what about the cosmetics industry?

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* 23. Second, what about the agriculture and/or food industry?

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* 24. Third, what about environmental applications (not including agriculture, above)?

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* 25. Comments? Please include any suggestions you want to communicate to the committee.