Integrated Resource Planning Survey

Thank you for participating in Roseville's IRP survey. Your feedback will help shape Roseville's energy future. The survey results will be posted on our website at They will also be shared at our upcoming IRP Public Workshop on October 18 at the Martha Riley Library Community Room. If you have additional questions, please email 

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* 1. Are you a Roseville customer?

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* 2. If you answered yes to the first question, what type of customer are you?

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* 3. How many years have you been a Roseville Electric customer?

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* 4. Please rank the following in terms of importance with respect to your electrical service from Roseville.

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* 5. The state of California mandates electric utilities to be zero carbon by 2045. Do you feel Roseville should:

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* 6. Renewable and carbon-free electricity may cost more than other forms of electricity. Their costs are coming down, but the degree is unknown. If there is an additional cost, how much more would you be willing to pay for renewable, carbon-free electricity?

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* 7. Having a robust, reliable grid requires infrastructure. Do you feel Roseville's reliability standards are sufficient, or would you be willing to pay extra for increased reliability?

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* 8. What is your preference on where Roseville builds or purchases energy resources?

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* 9. Do you own or plan to own an electric vehicle (EV) in the next 3 years?

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* 10. Demand Response Programs can help the utility and California manage its electric grid by shifting customers' energy usage from times of high demand to times of lower demand. Would you be interested in participating in a Demand Response Program?

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* 11. How important is it for you to know that you are using energy efficiently in your home or business?

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* 12. How did you hear about Roseville's IRP survey?

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* 13. Please share any additional comments or feedback.