Comment Sheet

Thank you for attending the Inland Port Special Planning Area (IPSPA) Regulation Review Open House. The IPSPA Regulation consists of the IPSPA Development Plan and Zoning By-law. Please take a few moments to fill out this comment sheet; your feedback is important to us.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your status in the Inland Port Special Planning Area (IPSPA)?

Boards 10 and 11 discuss Priority Area #1: Sustainability and Environmental Policies. Please review these boards and answer the following questions:

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* 2. Do you think the IPSPA Development Plan policies related to Sustainability and Environmental Protection are adequate?

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* 3. Are the 'Sustainable Development Measures' adequate, relevant, clear, and achieving their intended goals?

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* 4. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding Priority Area #1: Sustainability and Environmental Policies?

Boards 12 and 13 discuss Priority Area #2: Active Transportation. Please review these boards and answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 5. Do you think the IPSPA Regulation policies related to Active Transportation are adequate?

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* 6. Does the IPSPA Active Transportation Corridor Overlay meet the intent of the Active Transportation policies?

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* 7. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding Priority Area #2: Active Transportation?

Boards 14 and 15 discuss Priority Area #3: Airport Area. Please review these boards and answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 8. Do you think that IPSPA Regulation policies pertaining to the airport area are adequate?

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* 9. Do you think the IPSPA Regulation guidelines for development near the airport are clear and straightforward?

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* 10. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding Priority Area #3: Airport Area?

Boards 16 and 17 discuss Priority Area #4: Service-Oriented Retail/Commercial. Please review these boards and answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 11. Do you think the current commercial node requirements are achievable?

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding Priority Area #3: Service-Oriented Retail/Commercial?

Boards 18 and 19 discuss Priority Area #5: Trucking Terminals & Trailer and Container Storage. Please review these boards and answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 13. Do you think that trucking terminals and trailer/container storage are adequately addressed in the IPSPA Regulation?

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* 14. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding Priority Area #5: Trucking Terminals & Trailer and Container Storage?

Boards 20 and 21 discuss Priority Area #6: Bulk Regulations and Zoning Requirements. Please review these boards and answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 15. Do you think that the bulk regulations and zoning requirements in the IPSPA Regulation are adequate?

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* 16. Do you think that further guidance regarding built form is required in the IPSPA Regulation?

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* 17. Do you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding Priority Area #6: Bulk Regulations and Zoning Requirements?

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* 18. Are there any additional considerations that you feel the project team should be aware of during the review process of the IPSPA Regulation (Development Plan and Zoning By-law)?

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* 19. Contact Information (Optional)