How good is your internal collaboration?

Effective team communication and collaboration is fundamental to the success of every organization. But, effective collaboration requires an organization culture that fosters it and tools and processes to make it happen.

Your answers to the following questions will help your organization evaluate and improve your internal collaboration process. Feel free to add comments. All responses are private and not-for-attribution.

If you have any questions, just email

Question Title

* 1. How effective is the internal communication and collaboration in your organization?

Question Title

* 2. What is the most difficult collaboration challenge at your organization?

Question Title

* 3. If you could change one thing about the collaboration process in your organization, what would it be?

The Success Foundry does five free ICS surveys each month. If you would like a free "done for you" survey and report for your organization, just email '" with your company name and contact information.