Please take a few minutes to complete our survey and share your opinions about the training you recently received. You will need to answer all of the survey questions.

Please be sure you know the course name and course number before you start this survey. If a question is not applicable, select N/A.

Your opinion is valuable to us, and your feedback will be used to improve the training experience for future learners.

Your responses are confidential. Your responses cannot be attributed to you and will be compiled with those of others.

Question Title

* 2. Before the class started, I was given realistic expectations about the training including expectations about my role and the length of training time.

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* 3. The course materials were easy to understand.

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* 4. My trainer presented her/himself in a professional manner.

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* 5. My trainer was well organized.

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* 6. My trainer clearly communicated objectives, ideas and terminology.

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* 7. My trainer created a positive learning environment.

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* 8. My trainer encouraged participation and was responsive to our questions.

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* 9. The group exercises helped me to understand and learn new skills.

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* 10. There was enough time to practice new skills.

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* 11. The training environment (sound, lighting, temperature, etc.) was comfortable.

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* 12. The visual aids (PowerPoints, white boards and flip charts) were easy to read.

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* 13. I had the resources I needed for the training (equipment, access to documents, etc.).

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* 15. Identify your primary trainer:

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* 16. Please provide any additional comments about the training here: