INW Customer Satisfaction and Feedback Survey

1.Please enter the four-digit code you received. (Check the mailer we sent you for a purple sheet - it's printed in bold in the center of the page.)(Required.)
2.Who is completing this survey?
3.Who is your Personal Agent at Independence Northwest?(Required.)
4.Do you get the supports you need from INW?
5.How often do you communicate with your Personal Agent?
6.Due to the pandemic, we can't meet face to face. During this time, what's your preferred way of connecting with your Personal Agent?
7.Are you happy with how often your Personal Agent connects with you?
8.When you need help making decisions, does your INW Personal Agent help you?
9.One of the primary aims of Independence Northwest is to help you get connected to the supports you need. Are there unmet needs you have right now that you'd like our help with?
10.Would you like our assistance in accessing Personal Protective Equipment like masks and gloves?
11.Would you like our support in getting you connected with COVID-19 vaccine clinics?
12.How would you rate your happiness with your services from Independence Northwest
13.Do you have any other feedback you'd like to share with us about your experience as an INW customer?
14.If you would like your PA or a member of our team to follow up with you on outstanding questions or concerns, please include your name and best way to contact you (phone or email) and we will be sure to be in touch soon.
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered