1. Introduction

Thank you for taking part in the market consultation survey for the H2020 IMPACT project.
The IMPACT project is developing new test bench infrastructure to support the development of WEC technologies. This includes the design and manufacture of drivetrain and structural components test rigs, which will be integrated to form a dual hardware-in-the-loop (DHIL) testing platform.  
We wish to know which tests users are most interested in performing on the rigs and would be grateful for 10min of your time to complete this survey.
Aggregate and anonymized data from this survey shall be documented in a IMPACT deliverable report. Any personal data provided in connection with this survey will be stored in accordance with GDPR, and will only be used for the stated purposes of gathering (e.g. to register your responses, to contact you afterwards if you consent to this).

Any queries regarding the survey should be directed to:

Thank you for your time and interest in the IMPACT project.

Y4 team on behalf of the IMPACT Consortium 
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under IMPACT grant agreement No 101007071.