Illinois COVID-19 Volunteer Opportunity Reporting

Serve Illinois is compiling an ongoing list of volunteer opportunities during the COVID-19 response. If you would like to request that your opportunity be listed, please complete the survey below. You may submit multiple surveys if other opportunities arise.

The State of Illinois does not endorse or recommend any particular volunteer opportunities. Volunteers are needed to help several nonprofit organizations, especially those organizations that focus on homelessness, meal delivery and senior citizens. Nonprofit organizations are looking for extra help. This is simply a clearinghouse for what is known to us. If you are requesting volunteers, your organization that is accepting volunteers should ensure that groups are being capped at fewer people than traditional groups to best accommodate social distancing. Additional restrictions such as limiting volunteers to best protect vulnerable populations may be appropriate. Volunteers that appear sick should not be accepted.

Each organization that is accepting volunteers are to ensure that groups are being capped at fewer people than traditional groups to best accommodate social distancing. Additional restrictions such as limiting volunteers to best protect vulnerable populations may be appropriate.
1.Organization name
2.Primary contact name (will not be published):
3.Primary contact email (will not be published):
4.Primary contact phone (will not be published):
5.Name of volunteer opportunity:
6.City where service will be conducted:
7.Brief description of need service:
8.Number of volunteers needed:
9.Dates of service need:
10.Website, phone number, or email where potential volunteers can contact your organization for more information:
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered