IFPUG Board of Directors Election Ballot

Four IFPUG Board members will be elected this year. Please cast your vote for this year’s IFPUG Board election using only one of the following methods: Postal mail, e-mail, fax, or SurveyMonkey. If more than one ballot is received from the same member ID Number, they will all be disqualified and none will be counted. To find your member ID please visit the IFPUG Member Services Area.

Please cast your vote for the FOUR nominees you would like elected. Ballots with more than four nominees selected will be disqualified and will not be counted.

Thank you.

(Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.)

Question Title

* 1. You must enter your IFPUG ID# below for your vote to be counted.

Question Title

* 2. I cast my 2017 IFPUG Board of Directors vote for (Vote for four):