1. Welcome to the ESCMID survey on staffing in infectious diseases

In an attempt to define standard personnel to hospital bed ratio we designed the current survey. The objective is to document the staff to hospital bed ratio of physicians dedicated to the management of infectious diseases, infection control and antibiotic stewardship in European hospitals. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete; enter as much data as available. However, please fill in your hospital name that will allow us to filter duplicate reports from the same hospital. Hospitals will be de-identified for the analysis and reporting.

Bojana Beovic, Barry Cookson, Markus Hell, Leonard Leibovici, Dilip Nathwani,  Ran Nir-Paz, Mical Paul, Celine Pulcini, Evelina Tacconelli on behalf of ESGAP, ESGIE, ESGNI and the ESCMID Professional Affairs Subcommittee

To save entered data and complete the survey at a later time, please complete the survey and submit. You can later re-enter the survey and modify or add data. For clarifications or comments please email Mical Paul: paulm@post.tau.ac.il

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
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