ICA is conducting a survey for the next issue of the ICA Update. This survey will focus on IC and exercise and should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for taking a moment to provide your feedback.

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* 1. To the extent that your physical health allows it, what kind of things do you to do exercise or be active?

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* 2. What is your primary motivation to exercise?

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* 3. What goals have you set in terms of exercise or physical activity?

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* 4. How do you motivate yourself to exercise or stay active?

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* 5. How much have you been able to increase your activity since you began trying to exercise?

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* 6. How did you get past any setbacks?

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* 7. Any particular exercise-related accomplishments or achievements you’re especially proud of?

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* 8. Any advice you would give others with IC about becoming more active?

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* 9. Are you willing to be quoted and/or interviewed for the ICA Update magazine? Your information will remain anonymous if you don’t want your name printed.

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* 10. If yes, please provide your contact information below:

Thank you for taking time to provide feedback regarding IC and exercise. Please click the "done" button below to submit your response.