Illuminated Collage Activity for Youth Question Title * 1. How many youth participated in the Illuminated Collage activity? 2-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 More than 20 Question Title * 2. How satisfied were you with the activity for your youth? Not at all satisfied Somewhat satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Not at all satisfied Somewhat satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Question Title * 3. How helpful did you find the facilitator guide? Not at all helpful Not very helpful Fair Helpful Extremely helpful Not at all helpful Not very helpful Fair Helpful Extremely helpful Question Title * 4. How engaged were your youth during the activity? Not at all engaged Somewhat engaged Engaged Very engaged Extremely engaged Not at all engaged Somewhat engaged Engaged Very engaged Extremely engaged Question Title * 5. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Agree Disagree Students were able to identify feelings they had experienced. Students were able to identify feelings they had experienced. Agree Students were able to identify feelings they had experienced. Disagree Students had conversations about feelings during the activity. Students had conversations about feelings during the activity. Agree Students had conversations about feelings during the activity. Disagree The activity brought students together in a positive way. The activity brought students together in a positive way. Agree The activity brought students together in a positive way. Disagree Question Title * 6. Would you be willing to take a 3-question follow-up survey in a month? Yes No If YES, please enter e-mail address: Question Title * 7. Is there any other feedback you would like to share about the Illuminated Collage Activity? Done