
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is conducting a pilot study of three intersection conflict warning system (ICWS) installed in 2021 in Peterborough, Chesterfield, and Pelham.

The effectiveness of these pilot study installations will inform decisions related to potential future installations of ICWS in New Hampshire.

Question Title

* 1. Did you complete the original NHDOT Intersection Conflict Warning System (ICWS) Pilot Study Survey in 2021?

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* 2.
In a few words, what do you think the “TRAFFIC ENTERING WHEN FLASHING” sign means?

Question Title

* 3. Minor road stop-controlled intersections consist of a major road where traffic does not stop and a minor road where traffic must stop. The primary purpose of ICWS is to alert drivers on the major road of traffic entering on the minor road. Drivers on the major road will see a static TRAFFIC ENTERING WHEN FLASHING sign when there are no vehicles on the minor road. Drivers on the major road will see the same sign but with flashing amber warning lights when a vehicle is present on the minor road.

Do you think the meaning of the sign is easy to understand?

Question Title

* 4. • Please rate the following statements from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The “TRAFFIC ENTERING WHEN FLASHING” system improves safety.
The “TRAFFIC ENTERING WHEN FLASHING” system improves traffic flow.
The “TRAFFIC ENTERING WHEN FLASHING” system is a sound investment.
The “TRAFFIC ENTERING WHEN FLASHING” system should be used at more intersections.

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* 5. How satisfied are you with the installed Intersection Conflict Warning Sign system?

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* 6. Are you employed as a transportation professional (e.g.., highway agency, professional driver, planning agency, consultant) ?

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* 7. Do you travel any of the following routes (select all that apply):

  For local travel For my commute For recreation
Chesterfield: Route 9
Chesterfield: Route 63
Pelham: Route 38
Peterborough: Route 101
Peterborough: Route 123

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* 8. Please provide any additional comments or concerns:

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* 9. Your Age Group (Optional)

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* 10. Your Place of Residence - Town/City (Optional)

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* 11. Please provide your contact details if you want to be included in future surveys or correspondence about the ICWS pilot effort. (Optional)