Iredell County has developed a countywide master plan for its transportation system - Iredell County Transportation Master Plan (ICTMP).  The plan identifies priority transportation improvements to help manage congestion and improve mobility and safety in unincorporated Iredell County

The plan is anticipated to be presented to the Iredell County Commissioners in Fall 2021 to request approval. 

The Draft Plan is available on the project webpage.

The plan includes five categories of recommendations:

· Priority Intersections/Interchanges
· Priority Corridors
· Priority Active Transportation Projects
· Priority Transit Projects
· Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Amendments

A map of the recommendations for each category is embedded in the survey.  Please review each map and indicate your level of support for the recommendations. 

Priority Intersections/Interchanges
Eleven (11) intersection/interchange projects are already funded in the county.  Since these projects will be constructed, they were not evaluated as future priorities in this plan. 

· I-40/I-77
· I-77/Cornelius Rd
· Sullivan Rd/Davie Rd
· S Main St/Houston Rd/Flower House Lp
· Shearers Rd/Rocky River Rd
· Johnson Dairy Rd/NC 3
· Perth Rd/Cornelius Rd
· NC 801/NC 150 (Oakridge Farm Hwy)
· NC 150 (Oakridge Farm Hwy)/Wiggins Rd
· NC 115 (Mecklenburg Hwy)/Faith Rd/Campus Ln
· NC 115 (Mecklenburg Hwy)/Langtree Rd

Question Title

Figure 14

<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Figure 14</strong></div>
Figure 14 shows the next grouping of intersections the county will prioritize for funding (relevant pages in Draft Plan: 31-33 and 37-38).

Question Title

* 1. Do you support the intersection/interchange projects recommended in this plan?

Question Title

* 2. Why?

Priority Corridors
Priority corridors provide critical mobility options 1) for north-south and east-west movement within the county, 2) for commuting to and from surrounding counties, and 3) for moving between major economic generators in the county. 

Priority corridors include both corridors that are critical for movement now and corridors the county anticipates will serve as key alternatives routes for these purposes in the future as congestion worsens on existing key routes.

Question Title

Figure 15

<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Figure 15</strong></div>
Figure 15 shows the priority corridors.  The county intends to identify and prioritize projects along these corridors going forward (relevant pages in Draft Plan:  31, 34-35 and 39-40).

Question Title

* 3. Do you support the priority corridors recommended in this plan?

Question Title

* 4. Why?

Priority Active Transportation Projects
Priority active transportation projects are the highest priority locations to add multi-use path, sidewalk, and bicycle infrastructure in unincorporated Iredell County. 

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Figure 16

<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Figure 16</strong></div>
Figure 16 shows the priority active transportation projects recommended in this plan (relevant pages in Draft Plan:  36 and 49-51). 

Question Title

* 5. Do you support the priority active transportation projects recommended in this plan?

Question Title

* 6. Why?

Priority Transit Projects
Priority transit projects are the key projects to improve public transportation in Iredell County and include a mix of transit corridors, nodes (hubs of potential park and rides and potential transit centers), facilities, routes, and park and ride lots. Project recommendations are consistent with ongoing regional transit efforts, including CONNECT Beyond.

Question Title

Figure 17

<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Figure 17</strong></div>
Figure 17 shows the priority transit projects recommended in this plan (relevant pages in Draft Plan:  36 and 51-53). 

Question Title

* 7. Do you support the priority transit projects recommended in this plan?

Question Title

* 8. Why?

CRTPO CTP Amendments
The Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) is the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Charlotte urbanized area.  CRTPO is responsible for developing a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) or long-range plan that outlines future improvements for the transportation network in Iredell, Mecklenburg, and Union counties (think of it as the region’s “wish list” of transportation projects).

Before the county can submit any projects for future funding available through CRTPO or NCDOT, needed future improvements in those areas must be reflected in CRTPO’s CTP.  All recommended CTP amendments are on existing roads and would allow the county request future funding to make improvements along these roadways.

Question Title

Figure 18

<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Figure 18</strong></div>
Figure 18 shows the CTP amendments the county plans to present to CRTPO for approval (relevant pages in Draft Plan:  53-55). 

Question Title

* 9. Do you support the recommended CRTPO CTP Amendments?

Question Title

* 10. Any comments or concerns related to the CRTPO CTP Amendments?

General Plan Comments
If you took the time to read the Draft Plan (available on the project webpage), thank you!!!  The county will review and consider all comments and revise the Draft Plan as needed before it is finalized.

Question Title

* 11. Please provide any general comments on the Draft Plan.

For information on needed transportation improvements identified within local jurisdictions, please visit the Statesville’s Mobility + Development Plan, Troutman’s Strategic Plan, Mooresville’s One Mooresville, and Davidson’s Mobility Plan
Tell Us About You

Question Title

* 12. What is your home zip code?

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* 13. What is your age?

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* 14. How did you learn about this survey?

Question Title

* 15. Please provide your name and email address.