Welcome to ICAI's public consultation

This is your chance to tell us what you want to see from the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) over the next four years. We will ask you to answer three questions. There is an optional fourth question that will allow you to share any other views on ICAI not already covered.

Question Title

* 1. Which aspects of the UK’s aid programme are the highest priority for review?

As context, recent examples of ICAI review topics include:
  • the UK’s aid response to COVID-19
  • UK humanitarian aid to emerging crises in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Gaza
  • UK aid spent on supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK
  • the reduction of the UK aid spending target from 0.7% to 0.5% of gross national income
  • the impact of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office merger on aid transparency
  • UK aid spent on education, health, the climate and safeguarding
  • UK aid channelled through the World Bank’s International Development Association
  • UK aid spent through British International Investment (the UK’s development finance institution)
  • UK aid to middle income countries such as India and China.

Question Title

* 2. How can we improve the ways in which we examine the effectiveness and value for money of the UK’s aid programme? Is there anything that you would find useful from ICAI that we do not already provide?

For example:
  • Are ICAI’s past review types useful (e.g. rapid reviews and ‘updates’, information notes, full reviews, country portfolio reviews)?
  • Are there new or different methodologies we should be using for our reviews?
  • Are ICAI’s recommendations and ‘proposed lines of enquiry’ clear and helpful for holding government to account?
  • Is ICAI’s process of following up on recommendations with the government effective? Could it be improved? How can ICAI best ensure the government acts in response to our reviews?
  • Does ICAI engage with government officials, stakeholders, parliament and the public effectively throughout the review process? How could we engage with you more meaningfully?
  • Could ICAI do more to support Parliamentarians to scrutinise the government?
  • What aspects of the ways in which we examine aid effectiveness do you find most or least useful?
  • Is there anything ICAI should stop or do differently?

Question Title

* 3. How can we improve how we communicate about our work and make our reports accessible to more people?

For example:
  • Are ICAI’s reports easy to find and access?
  • Are ICAI’s reports easy to understand? Is it easy to access and understand the key findings of each review? What could ICAI do to improve them?
  • Do you find the publication of our literature reviews and annotated bibliographies useful?
  • Would you like ICAI to communicate with you more often or in different ways? If so, how and when?
  • How would you like to be kept up to date with ICAI’s work?
  • How can ICAI best share learning from its reviews?
  • How can ICAI do more to boost its profile within government, with stakeholders or the public?
  • How can we make more people aware of ICAI?

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any other views on ICAI that you would like to share?