We are currently working in partnership with Ivybridge Town Council and South Hams District Council to redevelop Butterpark Retirement Home in Ivybridge. As part of this process we are consulting with local residents, to feedback on these proposals for a new development. Please note this is a proposed site at the moment. Tell us what you think for a chance to win a £75 voucher (from supermarket of your choice)*.

The proposal is to redevelop a former care home in Ivybridge replacing it with 27 units. This will include a block of 8 flats designated for residents with learning disabilities, 12 one bedroom flats (social rent) and up to 7 two/three bedroom houses (shared ownership).

How to view the plans We have attached some images within this survey, information can also be found online at Consultations - Plymouth Community Homes

Don't miss the deadline - This survey will close at 11pm on Monday 5th August. If you have any problems with completing the survey please call us on 0808 230 6500 or email communitiesteam@plymouthcommunityhomes.co.uk for assistance. Important information - Please note feedback will be shared anonymously in report with PCH Development Team and relevant stakeholders.

Question Title


Question Title

Location Plan

Location Plan

Question Title

Site Plan as Existing

Site Plan as Existing

Question Title

Site Plan as Proposed

Site Plan as Proposed

Question Title

3D view from South-West

3D view from South-West

Question Title

3D view from South-East

3D view from South-East

Question Title

Elevations - Various

Elevations - Various

Question Title

* Do you think the scale of proposed housing development is suitable for the site?

Question Title

* Do you agree with the mix and type of homes proposed?

Question Title

* Do you like with the proposed layout of the housing proposal?

Question Title

* Do you like the design of the proposed properties? e.g. floor plan layout, materials etc?

Question Title


Question Title

* Looking at the image above, do you have a preference re a brick or rendered exterior?

Question Title

* Do you have any further comments on the proposal?

Please tell us a bit more about yourself in this section. This will help us find out what different types of respondents need or consider to be important. Please note all information is confidential and will be anonymised.

Important data information for all respondents - Please note your feedback is confidential and will be shared anonymously with relevant stakeholders for project purposes. If contact details are supplied in the survey, we will hold your data with regard to this specific project for its duration and it will be deleted on completion of the project. You can also submit your responses anonymously. For more information, please contact the PCH Communities Team on 0808 230 6500.

Question Title

* Please tell us about yourself?

Question Title

* Are you...?

Question Title

* Which of these best describes your current circumstances? (Please tick all that are relevant)

Question Title

* Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. For more information, please contact the PCH Communities Team. Please select from the following options and tick all that apply.

Question Title

* Please enter your details below. This is optional. This information also helps us make sure we have contacted relevant households and stakeholders. If you have ticked any of the options above, please enter your details below

Question Title

* How satisfied are you with taking part in this survey?

Thank you for completing our survey. For information about this survey or to discuss getting involved, please contact Communities Team on FREEPHONE 0808 230 6500 or email communitiesteam@plymouthcommunityhomes.co.uk.

Please note your feedback will be shared anonymously with relevant stakeholders for project purposes. If contact details are supplied in the survey, we will hold your data with regard to this specific project for its duration and it will be deleted on completion of the project. You can also submit your responses anonymously. You are asked to give your contact details if you have ticked any box re feedback or have specified that you want to be entered into the PCH prize draw (*1 x £75 Love to shop voucher to be won by a survey respondent). Please note only one response per person is entered in the prize draw (multiple responses will not be counted). The Prize Draw Winner will be chosen at random after the survey has closed. For more information on how we handle your personal data and your individual rights, please refer to the Privacy Notices on our website or request a paper copy from us.
Please note: we will not accept comments that are discriminatory, defamatory or that use offensive language.