Thank you for using the IAFP's Implicit Bias toolkit

Your feedback is essential in helping to improve the toolkit and also document the reach of this tool in assisting residency programs and their residents and faculty members in recognizing and addressing biases among interactions with colleagues, staff and patients.  Thank you from the IAFP Health Equity Member Interest Group.

Question Title

* 1. Program Name

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* 2. Date part 1 of the program was presented


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* 3. Date part 2 was presented


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* 4. How many of the following attended the presentation?

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* 5. Which bias topics did your program address?

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* 6. From the discussion, our residents can name one form of bias against each of the communities we covered in the presentations

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* 7. How often do you think that healthcare disparities were occurring within your workplace?

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* 8. How frequently does your program discuss issues or occurrences of biases?

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* 9. Commitment to change: After attending this webinar, what, if any, changes will you be making in your practice?

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* 10. Prior to this presentation: Please rate your knowledge or skill on this topic:

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* 11. AFTER this presentation: Please rate your knowledge or skill on this topic:

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* 12. This activity avoided commercial bias or influence:

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* 13. Would you change anything about how you presented your topic? (Format, Visual Aids, Case Studies)

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* 14. Will you use this program again in future years?

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* 15. Would you recommend this training to other residency programs?

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* 16. Please use the text box to provide any comments/feedback for toolkit authors

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* 17. Please use the text box to provide any overall feedback on this format (two-part series, topics offered)

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* 18. What other IAFP-led activities or discussions on health equity would you like to see in the future?

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* 19. Contact Information