General recovery management: Leadership; management structure; managing by objective; stakeholder mapping
Strategic recovery: Developing of an overall strategy for long-term community recovery strategy; data analysis; stakeholder input; integrated projects; prioritization; implementation strategies; and resilience planning
Community Resilience Planning: Resilient design best practices; building codes/permitting; land use; open space use; preservation; conservation.
Community Development: Community identity and branding; redeveloping your downtown; attracting/retaining employers and jobs; working with developers; affordable housing ideas/options; housing rehab; historic properties; long-term infrastructure planning; needs assessment; essential social services; eliminating food deserts; community amenities; relocating facilities
Project Development/ Management Basics: Integrated project development; using data to document needs; project alternatives; environmental/historic concerns; federal contracting and procurement requirements; financial tracking; progress reporting
Resources: Grants research, writing, management (including documentation) and cross-cutting requirements; major funders by sector; in-kind donations; fundraising; leveraging resources to maximize recovery
Government Finance: Cash flow management; budgeting; fund accounting; finance mechanisms; local match; audits
Effective Partnerships: Partner development; relationship management; effective collaborations; multi-jurisdictional coordination; public/private partnerships; memoranda of understanding/ agreement
Human Resources/Staffing: Needed recovery skills; recovery job descriptions; hiring best practices; peer support; consultants; volunteer recruitment; retention and management; stress management
Communications/Engagement: Media/public relations; community outreach; stakeholder engagement; meeting facilitation; consensus building; social media
Mitigation/Floodplain: Hazard mitigation principles, projects, and funding; acquisition options; floodplain management; National Flood Insurance Program and Community Rating System; protection and restoration of environmental resources.