Wisborough Green Proposed Housing Numbers

GDPR: Wisborough Green Parish Council is the Controller for Data Protection purposes. The information collected will be stored securely and may be given to the Local Plan Inspector if requested. It will not be used for any other purpose and will be deleted once the process is complete.
Chichester District Council's (CDC) draft Local Plan has allocated 75 additional homes to Wisborough Green, these are on top of the 68 the village has already delivered.

CDC's draft has been sent to the Planning Inspectorate for examination and possible approval.

The Parish Council believes CDC has made errors in arriving at this figure, the plan isn't 'sound'.

We would like your opinion on two simple questions:
1.With regard to the proposed 75 new homes (on top of the 68 already delivered) do you
2.Do you request the Planning Inspector to ask CDC to look again at the soundness of the Wisborough Green allocation?
3.Your name
4.Your postcode