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Broxtowe Borough Council - Housing Strategy 2024-2028 Consultation

A Housing Strategy is a local housing authority’s vision for housing in its area. It sets out objectives on how the Council aims to manage and deliver its strategic housing role.

We are consulting on the proposed key priorities in our new Housing Strategy for 2024 – 2028. This will have the same overall priorities as Broxtowe Borough Council's Corporate Plan, but will provide more detail as to how we will achieve these aims.

The new Housing Strategy will cover all aspects of Housing services that the Council provides. This includes the properties we own and our services as a landlord, private sector housing and affordable housing delivery.

We welcome your comments on these ideas and anything else that is not currently included that you would like to see.

The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

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* 1. Please tick all that apply

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* 2. Proposed Corporate priority: Build more houses, more quickly on under used or derelict land.

Proposed Corporate actions:
  • Implement our Housebuilding delivery plan by building new affordable, safe and energy efficient lifetime Council homes for local people.
  • Review and refresh the Housebuilding plan with new sites on which to build Council houses and acquisitions of already built homes to add to the Council’s housing stock.
Further information on the Council's Housing Delivery Plan can be found here.

Please tick all of the proposed Housing Strategy priorities that you agree with:

Question Title

* 3. Proposed Corporate Priority: Invest to ensure our homes are safe and more energy efficient.

Proposed Corporate Actions:
  • Fully implement improvements to Housing Repairs to ensure timely responses to customer queries; high quality record keeping; full legal compliance and high satisfaction rates.
  • Agree and implement a plan to improve the energy efficiency of Council housing.
  • Support private home owners and private tenants to improve the energy efficiency of their homes
Please tick all of the proposed Housing Strategy priorities that you agree with:

Question Title

* 4. Proposed Corporate Priority: Regulate housing effectively and respond to housing needs.

Proposed Corporate Actions:
  • Develop through co-production with relevant stakeholders and tenants, a new Housing Strategy which identifies and responds to housing need throughout Broxtowe.
  • Strengthen regulatory enforcement of private sector rented housing.
  • Actively manage the provision of student accommodation through working with partners to agree a new student accommodation strategy and explore greater regulation of houses in multiple occupation.
  • Prevent homelessness and help people to be financially secure and independent.
Please tick all of the proposed Housing Strategy priorities that you agree with:

About You
This section is really important. It's vital that we understand the experiences of a wide range of respondents in order to ensure that everyone is treated equally. By understanding more about what people from diverse backgrounds tell us, we can ensure we act appropriately to meet needs. All questions are optional and any responses to these questions will remain confidential. Individuals will not be identified and personal details will not be published.

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* 5. Which of the following areas do you live in?

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* 6. Gender

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* 7. Which age group do you belong to?

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* 8. Do you consider yourself disabled? (Please tick all that apply)

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* 9. Ethnicity

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* 10. Are you currently, or have you previously, served in the UK Armed Forces?

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* 11. Which of the following best describes your employment status?

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* 12. Excluding anything you do for your paid employment, are you a carer? (i.e. do you look after or give help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age)

If you would like to be kept up to date on the progress of the Housing Strategy, please email us at or call us on 0115 9173935.

Thank you for completing this survey.

Any personal information that you have supplied will be held by Broxtowe Borough Council in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. This information will only be used as part of this exercise and personal information will not be published or passed onto any other organisation. Your personal information collected as part of this survey will be kept for two years to help us improve services before being securely destroyed. Our privacy notice, which explains how we will process your personal information, and your rights as a data subject, is available at
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