Exit Campground and Park Host Interest Form 2025 Thank you for being so interested in becoming a campground or park host with the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation. Please complete this interest form to be considered for current and future host opportunities.What are Campground and Park Hosts?The primary role of a campground host (camp host) or park host is to provide park visitors with information, assistance, and services. This is accomplished by encouraging compliance with park rules and regulations, acting as a contact if emergencies occur when a ranger or site supervisor is off duty, and collecting fees from visitors when trained and authorized. Camp Hosts are typically located in a campground, and Park Hosts are found in a local park, preserve, or attached to a nature or community center operated by DPR. Depending on the location, additional host roles may include staffing a nature center or historical site, interpreting natural and historic resources, maintaining facilities and landscaping, removing litter, making simple repairs, and performing light housekeeping and janitorial duties or other work as assigned to support park operations. Hosts may be specialized, such as maintenance-focused, interpretive/education-focused, or recreation-focused options, which will be indicated in recruitments and host agreements.Camp and Park Host volunteers fulfill a minimum of 20 work hours per week in exchange for a waived-fee campsite, which includes electrical, water, and sewer hookups, where hosts may park a suitable motorhome or travel trailer in good repair, with kitchen, bathroom, and shower facilities, subject to approval by the site supervisor. (Please note selected hosts need to have weekday, weekend, and holiday availability, and we are not able to accommodate all hours completed in two days) It is also a requirement that hosts live on-site, meaning they sleep in their motorhome or trailer to be the off-hours contact at the location should an emergency arise.Seasonal = 4–6-month agreementsYear-round = 12+ month minimum stay CURRENT OPENINGS: As of 2/20/2025 Unfortunately, we have no available hosting opportunities for 2025. We are reviewing potential openings for 2026. Complete this form to add yourself to our interest list should an opportunity open. The standard term for a hosting agreement is six (6) months and renewable for up-to five years. If a host were to start at a seasonal park (Agua Caliente County Park, Potrero County Park, or Vallecito County Park), agreements may be written for any amount of time to complete the season (4-6 months). *PLEASE NOTE: Sweetwater Summit Regional Park requires a minimum of two six-month agreements, totaling at least 12 months. Question Title * 1. Contact information for person completing form Name * Email Address Phone Number * Question Title * 2. Have you ever camped in a San Diego County Park? Yes No Question Title * 3. What state do you claim residency? Question Title * 4. Do you have a California Driver's License? (only required for some parks) Yes No Question Title * 5. All hosting opportunities including volunteering for at least 20 hours a week in exchange for a waved fee, full-hookup campsite that includes electric, water, and sewer. The County of San Diego does not have any opportunity for host wages. Yes, I understand that this opportunity is to volunteer (no wages) plus full-hookup campsite. No, I am only interested in a position that includes wages plus a full-hookup campsite. Next