This questionnaire seeks your feedback on the paper:
Australian Grown Horticulture Sustainability Framework Discussion Draft

Fifteen sustainability topics important to people’s decisions about Australian horticulture were identified through research for Hort Innovation, the grower-owned research and development organisation. 

Sustainability goals for each of the topics were drawn from existing goals and further developed through discussion with horticultural industries.

As a means to measure how Australian horticulture is tracking towards sustainable production, a set of sustainability indicators have been developed for each goal.  These indicators are intended for measuring across the whole of Australian horticultural production - up to the farm gate or packhouse door.  The indicators aim to be the best fit between the sustainability goal and the available data sets. 

The Horticulture Sustainability Framework Discussion Draft provides more detail and a summary of data sources.

What do you think of the proposed sustainability indicators? How relevant are they and how they could be improved?

Can you suggest case studies and grower stories that can illustrate how producers are moving towards sustainable practice?  Sustainability in agricultural systems is complex and data alone won’t tell the whole picture.  It would be valuable if you can suggest to us any suitable case studies from industry activity or growers’ stories about practices and activities that contribute towards any of the sustainability goals.

Your feedback is requested by 5 February 2021.

When answering these questions please focus on the growing, packing and on-farm processing stages of fruit, vegetable, nut, cut flower, turf and nursery production.

Your responses will be treated anonymously and used to refine the framework. If you would like to discuss your thoughts further with the project team please record your contact details so we can be in touch.

Thank-you for your input.

If you have any queries please contact:  

Ingrid Roth, Horticulture Sustainability project lead

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* 2. Which horticultural industry/s are you involved with?

The following questions seek your feedback on the proposed set of indicators for each topic under the four sustainability pillars.