Horne Street Mobility Survey

The City of Fort Worth is preparing a preliminary design and streetscape plan for Horne Street from Camp Bowie Blvd. to W. Vickery Blvd.  This project is intended to build upon the efforts of the community, City Staff, and elected officials to develop complete streets that consider transportation users of all ages and abilities.  
Responses will be shared with the City of Fort Worth. Thank you.

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* 1. Personal Information

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* 2. Please read the priorities listed below and rank in order of your preference, 1 being the highest:

  1. Aesthetics
  2. Pedestrian Accommodations
  3. Landscaping & Amenities
  4. Traffic Flow
  5. Safe Street Crossings
  6. Biking Accomodations
  7. ADA Accommodations
  8. On-Street Parking
  9. Street Lighting
  10. Speed of Traffic
  11. Drainage
  12. Other

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* 3. If you indicated an "Other" priority, please explain what other priority you value.

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* 4. What do you like about Horne Street today? Please type "N/A" if not applicable.

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* 5. Describe the issues you would like to see addressed along Horne Street. Please type "N/A" if not applicable.

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* 6. What enhancements would you like to see on Horne Street in the future? Please type "N/A" if not applicable.