We would love to hear your views on Horn Park neighbourhood.

You can also choose to keep updated on future developments and engagement events. 

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?

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* 2. How would you rate the provision of community or health services in your local area?

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* 3. Which high streets or town centres do you most often use for services, retail and groceries? - select all that apply

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* 4. What would be your top priorities to improve your neighbourhood – pick just 3 of these:

More sports or fitness activities
Cheaper healthier food
Mental health support
More policing in the area
Cleaner bins, sewage systems and better recycling
Children and youth facilities
Green and accessible spaces
Community Gardens
Library and computer centre
More housing
Housing quality improvements
Cheaper and cleaner energy for my home
Repairing roads such as potholes
Better transport options
More community events and engagement

Question Title

* 5. And are there any others you would like to add? – please specify