Home Energy Saver Toolkit - Evaluation Survey

Your feedback on the Toolkit

Frankston City Council is keen to receive your feedback on the Home Energy Saver Toolkit so that we can continue to improve the toolkit for you and our community.

Privacy: Frankston City Council is collecting this survey information using SurveyMonkey. You may choose to complete the survey anonymously however please provide your name and email address if you wish to receive Council’s EnviroNews E-Newsletter. Survey responses will be separated from any contact details that you provide. Your contact details will only be used to add you to the newsletter mailing list if you have selected this option. You can opt out of receiving the newsletter at any time. Survey responses will be used to evaluate the toolkit and make improvements. For further information about how your information will be handled, please see Council’s privacy policy at frankston.vic.gov.au and SurveyMonkey’s privacy policy at surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/privacy-policy
1.What was your main reason for borrowing the Home Energy Saving Kit (and/or Thermal Imaging Camera)?(Required.)
2.Overall, how would you rate the selection of equipment (i.e. the 'tools') in the Home Energy Saver Toolkit (and/or Thermal Imaging Camera)?(Required.)
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not useful
3.Which tools did you use from the Home Energy Saver Toolkit?
4.How easy was it to use each tool/exercise in the Home Energy Saving Kit?(Required.)
Energy Saving Contact Thermometer 
Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer 
Water Flow Measuring Cup 
Power-Mate Lite Energy Meter 
Thermal Imaging Camera (separate loan item)
5.Please rank each tool in the kit in order of how USEFUL it was? By useful, we mean that it gave information that can help you save energy.(Required.)
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not useful
Does not apply
Energy Saving Contact Thermometer 
Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer 
Water Flow Measuring Cup 
Power-Mate Lite Energy Meter 
Thermal Imaging Camera
6.Do you agree or disagree with the following?
Overall the Home Energy Saving Toolkit (and/or Thermal Imaging Camera):
Neither agree nor disagree
Met my expectations
Made me think about how I use energy
in the home
Increased my understanding of ways to save energy in the home
Made my family think about how they
use energy in the home
Increased my family's understanding of ways to save energy in the home
7.Since using the kit, I have done or am thinking about doing the following:(Required.)
Does not apply
Adjusting the thermostat setting on the fridge and/or freezer between seasons (e.g. summer and winter)
Making improvements to my home insulation
Being mindful of keeping warm air in during winter (or out in summer) by closing doors, drawing curtains or
using draught excluders
Turning lights off when leaving a room that is unoccupied
Switching appliances off rather than leaving them on standby power
Using full, not partial loads for the dishwasher / washing machine
Replacing an appliance with a high energy star rated energy efficient model
Upgrading my home's heating and cooling system to an energy efficient model
Air drying clothes where possible instead of tumble drying
Upgrading my home's hot water service to an energy efficient model
Installing solar power
Accessing grants and rebates to save energy in my home (e.g. Victorian Energy Upgrades, Solar Victoria solar rebates)
8.Overall, did you find that the experience of borrowing the kit has helped you to reduce your daily energy use?(Required.)
9.How long was the waiting period to borrow the Home Energy Saver Toolkit from the library?(Required.)
10.Where did you hear about the Home Energy Saver Toolkit?(Required.)
11.Would you like to receive updates on local environmental news, events, sustainable tips and resources via Council's EnviroNews E-newsletter? (one edition approximately every two months)(Required.)
12.Where do you live?(Required.)
13.What is your age group?(Required.)
14.Do you own or rent your current home?(Required.)
15.Would you recommend the Home Energy Saving Kit to others?(Required.)
16.Would you recommend making any changes to the kit? (optional)
17.Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your experience of
borrowing and using the kit? (optional)