We would love your feedback on the public art recently installed in Hereford

Herefordshire Council has embarked on its first formal public art programme inviting 16 artists from across the country to transform Hereford's urban environment. Local people, students, businesses, cultural organisations and partners from across the region came together to explore how art, culture and design could play its part in shaping the city. The project launched in April 2024.
We would love to know how you feel about the art programme It will take just a few minutes to complete.
You can find out more about the trail on the Public Art website

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* 1. What do you think about the new Hereford public art programme overall?

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* 2. Which piece(s) are your favourite?

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* 3. How does the public art make you feel when you see it?

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* 4. Do you think the public art has made the city a better place to walk, cycle or drive through?

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* 5. Do you feel prouder of Hereford because of the public art programme?