Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey. We truly value your feedback.

A link to gain early access to our full event photo gallery will be displayed once you complete our survey! PLUS, one lucky person who completes our survey before September 27th will receive a FREE +1 ticket to next year's BBQ and concert on Hearst Ranch!

Question Title

* 1. How many times have you participated in the Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle?

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* 2. What prompted you to register for the Best Buddies Challenge this year?

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* 4. If you were on a team, in what way did you participate?

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. What is your gender?

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* 7. Did you recruit any family members, friends and/or colleagues to participate with you?

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* 8. If you answered "yes" above, what methods did you employ to recruit friends and family members to participate with you?

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* 9. For next year’s Best Buddies Challenge, what could we do to help you recruit friends, family or teammates to join you?

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* 10. Which of the following fundraising methods yielded the largest amount of donations for you?

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* 11. When fundraising, how easy was it for you to meet your fundraising commitment level?

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* 12. Other than altering the fundraising commitment levels, what, if anything, could we provide to better support your fundraising efforts for next year?

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* 13. What type(s) of training tools or training assistance would you like to have more access to in the future?

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* 14. Once you registered, how would you rate the level of communication and support you received from your Coach?

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* 15. How would you rate the efficiency of your Check-In and Packet Pick Up?

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* 16. If you attended Friday's Opening Ceremonies, how would you rate that event?

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* 17. Which event did you participate in?

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* 18. How would you rate your start line experience (speakers, music, etc…)?

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* 19. How would you rate the routes?

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* 20. Were you familiar with any portion of the routes prior to riding on September 9th?

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* 21. Did the new routes meet your expectations?

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* 22. How would you rate the effectiveness of the rest stops in meeting your needs?

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* 23. How would you rate the amenities at the finish line?

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* 24. How would you rate the food and drinks provided to you at the post-ride party and concert?

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* 25. What genre of music would you like to see at next year's concert?

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* 26. How would you rate the effectiveness of the provided transportation?

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* 27. Overall, how well do you feel you were taken care of by the Staff and Volunteers during the Best Buddies Challenge event weekend?

Question Title

* 28. Overall, did this event meet your expectations?

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* 29. Will you participate again in the Best Buddies Challenge?

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* 30. What areas of the event would you like us to improve the most? (check up to 5 choices)

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* 31. What is your favorite part of this event, and the one we should be sure to promote to attract new participants?

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* 32. What would your recommend as the best way to re-engage a first time participant to help them sign-up again for another Best Buddies Challenge?

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* 33. Do you have a connection to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

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* 34. Are you more inclined to support any of our sponsors due to their sponsorship of Best Buddies and this event?

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* 35. Where did you see or hear our advertising this year? Check all that apply.

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* 36. Where should we advertise next year to reach new participants?

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* 37. What level cyclist would you classify yourself as?

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* 38. What other charity events and/or organized rides have you participated in or plan to participant in this year?

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* 39. What is the best thing you have seen at another event that you would like to see added to the Best Buddies Challenge?

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* 40. What is your total household income? (optional)

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* 41. Final comments or suggestions.

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* 42. Name (optional):

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* 43. Email (optional):