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"Attract, Connect, Stay" Program
Expressions of Interest close Friday 9 September 2021
Nomination and Expression of Interest for: 1. Independent Local Healthcare Governance Group (ILHGG) 2. Key Support Group (KSG) 3. Key Workforce Needs Group (KWNG)
Glen Innes Severn Council converted the opportunity to participate in a program called "Attract, Connect, Stay Program" and facilitated a workshop with the local community, Grow Glen Innes Think Tank registrants and healthcare professionals from across the private and public sector with Dr Catherine Cosgrave.
The workshop uncovered a common theme regarding the position of a Health Workforce Recruiter & Connector (HWRC) being overseen by an independent local group of advocates to govern and support the position. It was preferred that the direct employer of the position was not Council and instead a community-based employer that could deliver the governance requirements of the position.
An Expression of Interest was then submitted by Council with the help of workshop participants for our LGA to leverage this unique opportunity to start to address some of our local healthcare challenges.
Three local government areas (LGAs) in north-western NSW have been selected to participate in a research project to address their long-standing health workforce shortages. Glen Innes, Gwydir Shire and Narrabri LGAs will work with a research team headed by Dr Cath Cosgrave to establish, fund and manage a Health Workforce Recruiter & Connector (HWRC) position.
Attract, Connect, Stay is a two-year project funded by the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and auspiced by Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH).
The purpose of the HWRC is to build networks to better identify and successfully attract health professionals (allied health, doctors and nurses) who are a ‘strong fit’ for the local community. A core focus of the role is to provide tailored support to newly recruited health workers and their family members with settling in, making connections and thriving- in-place (including employment support for partners).
Now we need to facilitate the governance model submitted as a part of the EOI and establish the Independent Local Healthcare Governance Group (ILHGG).
The role of the Independent Local Healthcare Governance Group (ILHGG) would be to:
1. Ensure continual funding of the position for the long-term 2. Ensure that the HRC had the flexibility, resources, connections and support required by the project 3. Ensure that the remuneration of the position was regularly reviewed to ensure job satisfaction and consistency 4. Provide support to the HRC where requested to enable the project to be successful 5. Replace the Local Health Advisory Group 6. Lobby and Liaise with State and Federal Government to achieve better local healthcare outcomes across services and human capitol 7. Agree the role of the Community-based employer to recruit the HRC.
To nominate for a position on the Independent Local Healthcare Governance Group (ILHGG) please complete the below form. You can also express your interest in the following:
Key Support Groups (KSG) who would be supporting the HRC by: 1. Providing in-kind and financial support for the RHC position 2. Assist the RHC to create connections in the community that benefit the program’s delivery and success
Key Workforce Needs Groups (KWNG) who would: 1. Provide the workforce needs and continually collaborate directly to the HRC