The City of Healdsburg is embarking on the development of an Active Transportation Master Plan, which will replace the City's current Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

An Active Transportation Master Plan, or ATMP, is a long-term strategic plan to improve walking, cycling, and other modes of active transportation, and includes recommendations for new policies, processes, and infrastructure based on public and stakeholder input.

At this time, the City is collecting input on bicycle parking as it relates to the business community.  There will be additional opportunities for citywide public input on bicycle parking in the future.  The feedback from both the business community and the public as a whole will be used as input for bicycle parking recommendations within the Plan.  

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* 1. Do you think Healdsburg has adequate bike parking?

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* 2. Have you encountered any concerns or issues caused by bicycles parked in inappropriate or less than desirable locations?

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* 3. Do you believe your business would benefit from additional onsite or nearby bicycle parking?

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* 4. If the City purchased and installed bike racks, would you want to have one installed on your property?

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* 5. If you feel you don't have space on your property for bike racks, would you want to have bike racks in the Public Right-of-Way (sidewalk/other public property) near your business?

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* 6. If yes, is there a certain location you think would work?

In order to meet the needs and desires of the community, it is possible to convert a limited number of public street parking stalls into bike parking, as shown in the examples below:

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* 7. Would you be interested in converting a public parking space near your business to bike parking?

The standard U-shaped bike racks, as shown below, are recommended by the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition:

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* 8. Would you prefer this type of U-shaped rack, or something more artistic?

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* 9. Do you think the racks should be uniform citywide, or would you prefer a variety of styles?

Another less intrusive and less expensive option is the pole-mounted connection point, shown below.  Though less intrusive and less expensive, pole-mounted bicycle parking is not as effective in keeping bikes upright as other styles of bike racks.

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* 10. Would you like to see this pole-mounted option installed?

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* 11. Do you have any other feedback, suggestions, or concerns for City staff to consider?

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* 12. Providing your contact information is completely optional and will not affect the results of this survey.  Your information will only be used by City staff to determine your location as it relates to bike parking, in the event you have additional questions or concerns, or if we have further information to provide you on matters covered by this survey.