Hazard Mitigation Public Questionnaire

1.What is your zip code?
2.Prior to this survey, were you aware of your county's hazard mitigation plan?
3.In the last 5 years, in the county you currently reside in, have you ever experienced or been impacted by a disaster?
4.If "Yes", please explain:
5.Do you feel your community is adequately prepared for the following threats?
Severe Wind
Severe Winter Weather
Train Derailment
Communication Failure
Power Outage/ Failure
Hazardous Material/ Pipeline Spill
Water Main Break
Soil Erosion/ Expansive Soil
School Disturbance
Active Shooter/ Attack
Civil Disturbance
Dam Failure
6.Are there hazards not listed above that you think are a wide-scale threat to your community?
7.If "Yes", please explain:
8.If you own your home, is your homeowners insurance adequate to cover the hazards that could affect your home?
9.Select the sentence that best describes where your home is located and whether you have flood insurance.
10.When selecting your current home, did you receive information on the risk of hazard events and the effect that these events could have?
11.Have you personally taken any actions to make your home or community more resistant to hazards?
12.Select your top choice for how your local government should spend money on mitigation activities within your community:
13.What mitigation action or project would you recommend to your local government to address a specific hazard within your community?