I'm Hayley Edwards and I'm YOUR Local Independent Candidate for the Rockingham by-election on 29 July.
I'm proud to have served our country in the Australian Defence Force, have worked as a paramedic and now I'm proudly serving as Deputy Mayor of Rockingham, delivering good outcomes for our community.
I am self-made, I am a working Mum, my husband and I have 4 children and we understand the financial pressures families are facing. I run two businesses, with one being in the local area, and I've had the privilege to meet and work with tons of people across our community.
I love Rockingham and our tight-knit community atmosphere. I've had the privilege of living in many parts of Australia with my diverse career, and we chose Rockingham as the place to call our home, we love it here, and we owe Rockingham so much.
We deserve significant investment and infrastructure to prepare our City for the future, we need to plan for future generations.
With your support, I'm ready to fight for Rockingham.
Please support YOUR Independent on the 29th July 2023, you can do so by sharing the love on Facebook, telling all of your networks and sharing my posts.
If you would like to actively help my campaign, there are a number of days we need help, and they are all fun places to be. Please fill in this form or email me contact@hayleyedwards.com.au
Rockingham, WE CAN DO THIS