Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with your cellphone number for future marketing campaigns and competitions.

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* 2. Gender?

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* 3. Age?

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* 4. Race?

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* 5. In what residential area do you live?

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* 6. How often do you visit Hatfield Plaza?

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* 7. Why do you shop at Hatfield Plaza? (Multiple answers allowed)

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* 8. What prizes would you like to win? (Multiple answers allowed)

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* 9. What other stores would you like to see at Hatfield Plaza?

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* 10. What radio station do you listen to? (Multiple answers allowed)

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* 11. What newspaper do you read? (Multiple answers allowed)

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* 12. How do we communicate with you?

Question Title

* 13. Are you a Hatfield Plaza Facebook Fan?

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