The City of Harrisburg is planning a complete transformation of the Hall Manor and Jackson Lick pools.  The current proposed plans include new pool houses with concessions areas, spray parks, zero-depth entry activity pools, picnic pavilions, shade structures, and lap pools for each location.
Below are depictions of what the new aquatic facilities may look like:.
These proposed designs may be altered based on resident feedback. 
Please answer these few questions to tell us what you think.

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* 1. To get started, please tell us your zip code:

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* 2. Although the pool design has been proposed as shown in the drawings above, we want your input on what specific equipment to include. Please choose your TOP SIX (6) of the items shown below.

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* 3. What elements would you like to see at a new Harrisburg Spray Park?  Please choose your TOP FOUR (4) choices.

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* 4. Once the proposed designs are built, how often do you think you would go to Jackson Lick in a given summer?

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* 5. How would you get to the Jackson Lick Pool?

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* 6. Once the proposed designs are built, how often do you think you would go to Hall Manor in a given summer?

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* 7. How would you get to the Hall Manor Pool?

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* 8. The anticipated construction cost for the proposed aquatic facilities is approximately $13 million, paid out of American Reinvestment Act funds. Do you feel this would be a good use of public funds?

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* 9. Do you have other ideas on the pools that you’d like to share?

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* 10. What are the ages of people within your household? (Please check all that apply.)