How B2B Companies Connect with Hard to Reach Prospects |
About this survey
This survey is designed specifically to be completed by companies who sell to hard to reach B2B clients. Whether you’re selling to B2B industries that are hard to reach and/or selling to C-level executives at large B2B firms, this survey is for you.
By completing this survey, you’ll get immediate access to the aggregate results from all multiple-choice questions.
At the end of the survey, there are a few, optional open-ended questions that you can answer if you’d like to be quoted in our report.
We are asking for your contact information as well, so we can share the final report with you and can properly quote you.
On the final page, you will find links to some exclusive, invite-only Benchmark Groups - where you can compare your company’s sales and marketing performance against other companies like yours. We strongly encourage you to join one that’s appropriate for you and connect your data (it’s free and anonymously aggregated data): those who opt-in will get preliminary anonymized results of this survey and have the exclusive opportunity to receive additional best practice recommendations from top-performing HubSpot customers (derived from this survey and the data provided by the Benchmark Group).
All respondents will receive an email update when we publish the full report.