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Hampton - 5210
5210: Healthy Choices Count is a messaging campaign developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Healthiest State Initiative. The long-term goal of 5210 is to help reduce the rates of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and possibly, some types of cancers.
What does 5210 stand for? - 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. - No more than 2 hours of unproductive screen time per day. - 1 or more hours of vigorous physical activity per day. - 0 sugary drinks - more water.
For this fiscal year, the Hampton Community will be receiving additional funding from IDPH, administered by the Iowa Council of Governments (ICOG), to help implement projects and activities compatible with 5210. The funds will need to be used by the community by June 30, 2021.
Based on provided community input, a proposed draft action plan for using the 5210 funding will be developed by the North Iowa Area Council of Governments (NIACOG). The final plan will be submitted to IDPH for approval by the end of December 2020.
Please answer the following questions by September 16, 2020. Also, you are welcome to share this questionaire with other community members. If you have questions or comments, contact Matt O'Brien, at the NIACOG office, at or 641.423.0491 ext 14.