March 2016 Audience Survey Atlas Obscura Audience Survey, 2016 Question Title * 1. How old are you? <18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 2. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED) Some college but no degree Bachelor degree Graduate degree Question Title * 3. What gender do you identify with? Other Male Female Question Title * 4. Are you married? Yes No Divorced/ Widowed I'm in a domestic partnership Question Title * 5. Do you have children? Yes No Question Title * 6. What's your approximate household income: $0-50K $50-100K $100K-150K $150K+ Question Title * 7. How did you first discover Atlas Obscura? Someone sent me a link / a friend mentioned it Went to an Atlas Obscura event Came up while Googling for something / doing travel research Saw a link on social media Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Assuming you've been to before, what’s the primary reason you come back? This is actually my first time on Atlas Obscura I'm looking for upcoming events I'm doing some trip planning / destination research I'm here for the editorial content/news/distraction/procrastination Question Title * 9. Have you been to an Atlas Obscura event? If not, what's the primary reason why not? Yes, I have been to an Atlas Obscura event! No, I have not been to an Atlas Obscura event because of the time of day when they happen. No, I have not been to an Atlas Obscura event because none have interested me to date. No, I have not been to an Atlas Obscura event because they cost too much to attend. No, I have not been to an Atlas Obscura event because I didn’t know you had events. No, I have not been to an Atlas Obscura event because they're never around my location. No, I have not been to an Atlas Obscura event because events just aren't my thing. Question Title * 10. What kind of events would you like to see more of? (Check all that apply) Crazy unique parties Access to locations that are generally off-limits Unusual lectures Walking tours of historic places Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. On a scale of 1-10, how interested would you be in going on an international tour hosted by Atlas Obscura? 1 (Not at all interested) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Are you kidding me? That would be amazing.) 1 (Not at all interested) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Are you kidding me? That would be amazing.) Question Title * 12. What’s the maximum amount you would potentially pay for some awesome Atlas-y international excursion (assume it includes everything except airfare and would be at least 5 nights in the destination): $0 - I don't want to go on an international tour led by Atlas Obscura <$1,000 $1-$2K $2-$3K $3K+ Question Title * 13. What subject would you most like to see Atlas Obscura cover more in the future? History/Culture Food/Drink Music Video News Travel destinations Science/Tech Pop Culture Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. On average, how many times a year do you venture more than 150 miles from your house? (whether by plane, train, car, steamship, etc...) 0. I love where I am too much to leave it 1-2 2-5 5-10 10+ Question Title * 15. What’s your typical motivation for traveling? (Check all that apply) To get away from it all Cultural experience For work Adventure To see family Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. If a magic genie granted you an all-expenses paid vacation for a week, where would you go? (Check all that apply) I'd be on a tropical island I'd be on a snowy mountainside I'd be in a big bustling city I'd be in a sleepy, quiet village Question Title * 17. Do you own a car? If so, what kind? I don't own a car If you do, please let us know Year / Make / Model Question Title * 18. What kind of lodging are you most likely to book? Luxury/high-end boutique Resort Airbnb BnB/independent Budget/roadside Rustic/camping Question Title * 19. Pick the adjectives that best describe you social informed adventurous homebody casual outgoing curious outdoorsy creative introverted practical family-oriented conservative intellectual independent organized focused liberal geeky Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. In the past 2 months, which of the following activities have you participated in (Check all that apply) read a book gone to a museum or art gallery seen a film seen a live performance attended a lecture or class spent time outdoors (hiking or camping) exercised consumed alcohol ate a fancy meal Question Title * 21. Anything else you'd like to share with us about Atlas Obscura? Done