Tour of Progress Feedback Survey Thank you for attending Tour of Progress 2022! Your feedback will help us to improve future events. Question Title * 1. Was this your first time attending the Tour of Progress? Yes No Question Title * 2. Overall, how would you rate the event? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Question Title * 3. What did you like about the event? Question Title * 4. What did you dislike about the event? Question Title * 5. How organized was the event? Extremely organized Very organized Somewhat organized Not so organized Not at all organized Question Title * 6. How friendly were the staff and volunteers at the event? Extremely friendly Very friendly Somewhat friendly Not so friendly Not at all friendly Question Title * 7. Was the tour length too long, too short or about right? Much too long Too long About right Too short Much too short Question Title * 8. Was the tour route difficult or easy to navigate? Very easy to navigate Easy to navigate Difficult to navigate Impossible to navigate Question Title * 9. How did you learn about the Tour of Progress (select all that apply)? Facebook Instagram TikTok Google Commercial on Z93.7 Commercial on GPB Commercial on The Creek Commercial on Cox Cable Poster in local business The Rosette/e-newsletters from NewTown Macon Local media Word of Mouth Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Was there any information that would have been helpful to know before the event? Next