FPSO World Congress 2015 Market Survey Question Title * 1. Personal details Name: Company: Job Title: Department: Reporting To: Question Title * 2. What is your main reason for attending the Event? Networking Learning Bench marking Solutions Aligned with current and/or upcoming initiatives Business leads and potential opportunities Meet specific clients and stakeholders Visibility/Branding Own professional development Others Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. From the following, who are you specifically looking to engage with at the Event? Technology Providers Subcontractors Consultants Oil and Gas Operators Vessel Contractors Shipyards EPCs Asset Integrity Providers Equipment providers Banks Market Information/Research Providers Others Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What would be the job titles/ functions of the people you want to meet? Question Title * 5. Where is your geographical focus in terms of FPSO projects? (Select all that applies) Americas Asia Pacific Mediterranean North Sea West Africa Others Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which of the following best describes your company's business? (Please choose from the drop down options) Oil and Gas operators Vessel contractors EPCs Question Title * 7. What percentage of your FPSO projects are conversions vs. new builds? Question Title * 8. Are you looking at the new build market in the next 2/3 years? Yes No Additional Comments Question Title * 9. Which phase are your projects predominantly in? PreFEED/FEED Execution Operational Additional Comments Question Title * 10. Where do you see the price of oil ending up for 2015 and 2016? 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 Above 80 Question Title * 11. How do you think the low price of oil will affect Current and future FPSO projects? Question Title * 12. What are your views on the future of marginal field developments? Question Title * 13. Is the future for FPSO projects conversions or new build projects? Question Title * 14. Do you see a further consolidation of the FPSO contractor market? Question Title * 15. Which regions do you think will have the biggest growth potential for FPSO projects in the next 2 years? Question Title * 16. What is the best option to balance capex and opex for FPSO projects? Done