Burns Paiute Tribal Transit

Community Stakeholder Interview Questions

1.What "services" does your organization provide?
2.Do you directly service clients/customers?
3.Do you directly provide transportation services?
4.Who is eligible for your transportation services?
5.What type of vehicles do you use?
6.How many transportation vehicles do you have?
7.How many rides do you provide on an annual basis?
8.Do you fund transportation services from other providers?
9.How do you fund? (buy tickets/passes, subsidize)?
10.How do clients/customers or workers typically access your locations?
11.What days of the week and times do you operate?
12.Do you feel transit is an important component of this community?
13.Why or Why not?
14.What needs do you feel existing services cover well?
15.What needs are not being met?
16.Do you foresee any future trends that will modify the needs in our area?
17.If yes, please list below.
18.What are the barriers to using existing services? (Check all that apply)
19.What, if any, opportunities are being considered to address barriers?
20.What might attract more riders? (Check all that apply)
21.Any additional comments are welcome!